Preparing for an important exam like NEET requires a lot of focus, dedication, and planning. Here’s a sample hourly schedule that you can follow before your NEET exam:

6:00 AM – Wake up and start your day with some light stretching or yoga to energize your body and mind.

7:00 AM – Have a healthy breakfast and take some time to review the topics you’ve studied the previous day.

8:00 AM – Start your first study session of the day. Focus on the topics that you find the most difficult or need more practice. 10:00 AM – Take a 15-minute break to relax and recharge your brain. Drink water, eat a light snack, or take a short walk.

10:15 AM – Resume your study session, focusing on a different subject or topic.

12:15 PM – Take a 30-minute break for lunch. Eat a nutritious meal, and do something relaxing, like listening to music or chatting with a friend.

1:00 PM – Start your third study session of the day. Review the topics you’ve already covered or practice some sample questions.

3:00 PM – Take a 15-minute break to refresh your mind. Drink water or take a short nap if you feel tired.

3:15 PM – Resume your study session, focusing on a different subject or topic.

5:15 PM – Take a 30-minute break for some physical activity, like jogging, cycling, or swimming. Exercise helps to reduce stress and improve focus.

6:00 PM – Have a light dinner and take some time to relax. Read a book or watch a movie to take your mind off studying.

7:00 PM – Start your final study session of the day, reviewing the topics that you find most challenging or need more practice. 9:00 PM – Take a 30-minute break to unwind and relax. Avoid using electronic devices or screens during this time, as they can interfere with your sleep.

9:30 PM – Review your study notes from the day and plan your schedule for the following day.

10:00 PM – Get ready for bed and aim to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.

Remember to adjust this schedule based on your personal preferences and study habits. It’s important to take breaks, stay hydrated, eat nutritious meals, and get enough sleep to keep your mind and body healthy during this crucial time.